Due to the COVID-19 situation we understand that it may be difficult to give us your transcript physically, especially if you are planning on turning in an unofficial transcript. For the FALL 2022 semester we will also accept transcripts via email.
Transcripts should be emailed to:
asuhuaa@hawaii.edu and cc asuh@hawaii.edu and melindas@hawaii.edu .
You must include your name, what scholarship you are applying for, and your student ID number.
Q: May apply to more than one ASUH Scholarship?
A: Yes! It is highly encouraged that applicants apply to more than one scholarship. However, after the scoring process we will only award you with a scholarship in which you receive the most monetary amount.
Q: If I apply in the fall semester, when will I get my award?
A: You will be awarded in the same semester that you apply in.
Q: If I apply to more than one ASUH Scholarship then do I have to submit multiple letters of recommendation?
A: You may use the same letter of recommendation for both applications. We suggest that your letter of recommendation is general or inclusive enough to be used for both applications.
Q: I’m an incoming freshman and haven’t been able to make close connections with my new professors yet. Can I ask a teacher from my high school to write me a letter of recommendation?
A: Yes, new students are allowed to ask their high school teachers/advisors for a letter of recommendation.
Q: If I am an incoming freshman, do I submit my high school or college transcript?
A: If you are an incoming freshman, please submit your unofficial transcript from STAR. We do not accept high school transcripts.
Q: May the letter of recommendation be waived for me?
A: While we understand that our constituents may have unique situations in which a letter of recommendation is hard to obtain, we do not waive letters of recommendation lightly. However, we would like to make suggestions about who you can ask since we do not specifically require it to be written from an academic source or faculty member. Letters may be from an employer, work supervisor, volunteer coordinator, and or community member that is not related to you.
Q: If I’m a transfer student, can I submit my community college transcript?
A: Yes, transfer students should include their transcripts in their application if they have not taken any classes yet from UH Manoa.
Q: I’m transferring next semester, can I apply for this semester’s scholarship?
A: Applicants must be enrolled at UH Manoa during the same semester as scholarship applications are being advertised for. For example, if you are transferring next fall semester then you should apply once fall semester has begun.
Q: Where can I submit my transcripts?
A: Transcripts should be mailed to:
Associated Students of the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
2465 Campus Road
Campus Center Rm 211A
Honolulu, HI 96822
Q: When can I expect to hear the results of my application?
A: For the Fall 2022 semester, applicants should be notified by mid to late November 2022.